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In this space, the Club publishes relevant information on institutional, organisational and economic matters, articulated according to international and national standards of transparency, in accordance with the provisions of Law 19/2013, of 9 December, on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance.  

The Club's Transparency Policy, subject to monitoring, evaluation and improvement processes, forms part of corporate responsibility and good governance, complemented by Control and Compliance Programmes that guarantee the prevention of non-compliance. 


A. Nature and Legal Regime. 

GIRONA FUTBOL CLUB, S.A.D. is an entity with its own legal personality, domiciled in Girona (17003), Avenida Montilivi, nº.141, and CIF A-17088329. Incorporated for an indefinite period of time by deed authorised by the Notary of Girona, Mr Ramón Coll Figa, on 30 July 2009, under number 1976 of his protocol. Registered in the Companies Register of Girona, volume 2760, folio 31, page GI-49598, 1st entry. 


B. Functions

  1. Participation in official amateur and professional sporting competitions in the sport of football. 

  1. The promotion and development of activities of one or more sports modalities, as well as other activities related to or derived from such practice, such as advertising, marketing, branding and the organisation of shows. 

  1. The exploitation and commercialisation of sporting events, products and rights of all kinds related to or linked to the sporting modality, the professional team and the team's media. 

  1. To acquire real estate for the development and promotion of the activities of the corporate purpose, being able to exploit them directly or lease them. 

  1. The constitution, subscription, acquisition and sale of shares, debentures or holdings in other companies and foundations. 

  1. Promotion and construction of sports equipment and facilities. Promotion and defence of the name of the team's city in national football. 


C. Applicable regulations

  1. Law 39/2022 of 15 October on Sport. 

  1. Royal Decree 1251/1999, of 16 July 1999, on sports limited companies. 

  1. Statutes of the Royal Spanish Football Federation. 

  1. General Regulations of the Royal Spanish Football Federation. 

  1. Disciplinary Code of the Royal Spanish Football Federation. 

  1. Statutes of the Professional Football League. 

  1. Regulations of the Professional Football League. 

  1. Rules and criteria relating to the preparation of budgets of the Professional Football League. 

  1. General Regulations of the Catalan Football Federation. 

  1. Code of Ethics of the Catalan Football Federation. 

  1. Articles of Association of Girona Futbol Club, SAD. 


D. Code of Ethics

E. Organisational structure

F. Bodies Responsible for Criminal Compliance.

Girona FC has a Compliance Committee and a Monitoring Committee that enable the reception of complaints and the dynamization of the Girona FC Crime Prevention Programme. 

It also has an externalised complaints channel: 


A. Agreements 

In accordance with the meaning of article 8.1.b) of Law 19/2013, of 9 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, the following public aid and subsidies granted are listed, indicating their amount, objective or purpose and beneficiaries: 

Administrative concession of Estadi Montilivi: 

  • Purpose: private use of the Estadi Montilivi by Girona FC. 
  • Term: fifty (50) years, ending in 2068. 
  • Fee: 197,929.65 €. 


B. Public subsidies and grants. 

In accordance with the meaning of article 8.1.c) of Law 19/2013, of 9 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, the following public subsidies and grants awarded are listed, indicating their amount, objective or purpose and beneficiaries: 

  • Subsidy from the National Professional Football League for preventive maintenance for the adaptation of sports infrastructures to the regulations on the prevention of violence under RD 419/1991, of 27 March, which regulates the distribution of revenue and prizes in State sports betting and subsequent amendments (RD 258/1998; RD 566/2010). Amount Season 2022/2023: €175,430.09. 
  • Subsidy from the Royal Spanish Football Federation in relation to the "Cantera con Valores" programme. Amount Season 2021/2022: 142,371.13€. 


C. Budgets 

In accordance with the provisions of article 8.1.d) of Law 19/2013, of 9 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, a copy of the documentation referred to therein is attached. 


D. Annual accounts, audit reports and economic control ratios.


E. Remuneration 


By resolution of the General Shareholders' Meeting of December 2017, it was agreed to set the remuneration of the Board of Directors at a maximum amount of two hundred and fifty thousand euros per year (€250,000), delegating to the governing body the distribution of the amount to be paid to each director, the frequency and method of payment. 


Senior management personnel are understood to be those persons who have authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the entity, either directly or indirectly. All decisions of a strategic nature of the Club are taken at the Board of Directors level, therefore there is no remuneration for senior management personnel. 


The salary cap granted by the National Professional Football League for the 2023/2024 season amounts to 51,980 (in thousands of euros). 

F. Debt  

The Club has not contracted any debt with Public Administrations (State Tax Administration Agency and/or Social Security). 

Likewise, the Club has not contracted any debt or credit with its employees. 

Likewise, the Club is not currently in insolvency proceedings. 


Code of Ethics

Protection of minors

Internal Regulations of the sports venue, regulating the general rules of access and permanence in shows and sporting events organised or managed by Girona Futbol Club, SAD and disciplinary rules for members and season ticket holders.

Regulations on the prevention of violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sport.

Ticket purchase policy

Normativa General del Carnet de Soci i el Carnet d'Abonat

Security Recommendations



Girona FC has a SELF-PROTECTION PLAN ("PAU"), known by the emergency team (during the Club's internal administrative activity) and by the security, surveillance and control personnel, health personnel, municipal police and MMEE (during match days). 

Girona FC reviews and updates its PAU every time there is a substantial change in the Club's risks, structure or operations. At the same time, it carries out an annual drill as established in the regulations. 

The latest revision of the PAU is dated October 2023 (Rev.n.º.14.1) due to the new access in the Preferential area with two shifts. Hospitality tent - space 1930 with a new shift. Visiting area with a new shift.